Future Directions for Semantic Systems


  • John F. Sowa

For over thirty years, the complexity of knowledge acquisition has been the greatest obstacle to widespread use of semantic systems. The task of translating information from a textbook to a computable semantic form requires the combined skills of a linguist, logician, computer scientist, and subject-matter expert. Any system that requires its users to have all those skills will have few, if any, users. The challenge is to design automated tools that can combine the contributions from multiple experts with different kinds of skills. This article surveys systems with different levels of semantics: lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight. Linked data systems with lightweight semantics are easy to develop, but they can’t interpret the data they link. The heavyweight systems of traditional AI can perform deep reasoning, but they place too many demands on the knowledge engineers. No one can predict what innovations will be discovered in the future, but commercially successful systems must satisfy two criteria: first, they must solve problems for which a large number of people need solutions; second, they must have automated and semi-automated methods for acquiring, analyzing, and organizing the required knowledge. This is a slightly revised preprint of an article in Intelligence-based Software Engineering, edited by Andreas Tolk and Lakhmi C. Jain, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2011, pp. 23-47. 1. The Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck Computers can process numbers, data structures, and even axioms in logic much faster than people can. But people take advantage of background knowledge that computers don’t have. Hao Wang (1960), for example, wrote a program that proved all 378 theorems in propositional and first-order logic from the Principia Mathematica. On a slow vacuum-tube computer, Wang’s program took an average of 1.1 seconds per theorem — far less time than Whitehead and Russell, the two brilliant logicians who wrote the book. But the theorems in the Principia require a negligible amount of built-in knowledge — just five axioms and a few rules of inference. The computer Wang used had only 144K bytes of RAM, but that was sufficient to store the rules and axioms and manipulate them faster than professional logicians. During the 1970s and ’80s, rule-based expert systems and programs for processing natural languages became quite sophisticated. But most applications required an enormous amount of background knowledge to produce useful results. Knowledge engineers and subject-matter experts (SMEs) had to encode that knowledge in formal logic or some informal rules, frames, or diagrams. The experts were usually highly paid professionals, such as physicians or geologists, and the knowledge engineers required long years of training in logic, ontology, conceptual analysis, systems design, and methods for interviewing the experts. For critical applications, the investment in knowledge acquisition produced significant results. For other applications, the cost of defining the knowledge might be justified, but the AI tools were not integrated with commercial software. Furthermore, most programmers did not know how to use AI languages and tools, and the cost of training people and adapting tools was too high for mainstream commercial applications. During the 1990s, vast amounts of data on the World Wide Web provided raw data for statistical methods. Machine learning, data mining, and knowledge discovery found patterns more cheaply and often more accurately than rules written by experts. The more challenging goal of language understanding was largely abandoned in favor of statistical methods for information retrieval and information extraction. Although statistical methods are useful, they don’t generate a semantic representation suitable for further reasoning or for explanations in ordinary language. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Semantic Web adapted the AI technologies of the 1980s to the vast resources of the World Wide Web. But the mainstream commercial software, which had never been integrated with AI technology, was just as isolated from the Semantic Web. For most programmers and web masters, the languages and tools of the Semantic Web were unfamiliar, there was no migration path from conventional software to the new technology, and the task of knowledge acquisition was just as difficult as ever. The complexity of knowledge acquisition increases with the complexity of the semantics, the amount of detail that must be specified, and the interdependencies among different aspects of the knowledge base. To relate different methods, this article uses a three-way distinction: heavyweight semantics is represented in a formal logic with detailed axioms that can support extended reasoning; middleweight semantics is based on formal or informal notations that support a modest amount of reasoning, but with less complexity than heavyweight semantics; lightweight semantics uses tags to classify information, to check simple constraints on types and connections, but not to perform extended reasoning. Many systems use variations of these three kinds of semantics. Section 2 of this article uses the distinction to compare systems for natural language processing (NLP). Section 3 applies it to systems for reasoning and problem solving. Section 4 analyzes the Semantic Web technologies in these terms. Section 5 shows how the VivoMind Language Processor (VLP) uses all three kinds of semantics for language analysis and reasoning. The concluding Section 6 discusses the requirements for commercially successful systems and the ways of using AI technology to design and implement them. 2. Natural Language Processing Documents that people write to communicate with other people are rarely as precise as logic. Yet people can read those documents and relate them to formal notations for science, mathematics, and computer programs. They can derive whatever information they need, reason about it, and apply it at an appropriate level of precision. That flexibility is essential for a system of knowledge acquisition — automated, semi-automated, or at least computer assisted. For the past half century, AI researchers and computational linguists have tried to achieve that goal. Some of the most successful NLP systems use lightweight semantics. One of the first was the Georgetown Automatic Translator (GAT), for which research was terminated in 1963. Under the name Systran, it became the most widely used machine-translation system in the 20th century. A version is still available on the web under the name Babelfish. For each pair of languages to be translated, Systran uses a large dictionary of equivalent words and phrases. The computer processing consists of a limited amount of movement and adjustment to accommodate the syntactic differences between each language pair (Hutchins 1995). Constructing those dictionaries by hand requires many person-years of effort. With the large volumes of documents available on the web, statistical methods for detecting and aligning equivalent pairs have become more widely used. Although these techniques are useful for MT, they don’t produce a semantic representation that can be used for reasoning. Hybrid systems that combine statistics with shallow parsing and templates are widely used for information extraction, but Hobbs and Riloff (2010) noted that such systems have reached a barrier of about 60% accuracy in recall and precision. The most sophisticated NLP systems use heavyweight semantics based on some version of logic. Typical systems have two distinct levels: syntactic analysis to generate a parse tree and semantic interpretation to map the parse tree to a logical form. But after forty years of research, no system based on that approach can read one page of a high-school textbook and use the results to solve the problems as well as a B student. Even pioneers in logic-based methods have begun to doubt their adequacy. Kamp (2001), for example, admitted that “the basic concepts of linguistics — and especially those of semantics — have to be thought through anew” and “many more distinctions have to be drawn than are dreamt of in current semantic theory.” To understand the issues, consider the combination of syntax, semantics, and database structure necessary to analyze a question and answer it. As an example, the Transformational Question Answering system (Petrick 1981) analyzed English questions and used middleweight semantics about the subject matter to map English to and from logic. TQA also used heavyweight semantics to map logic to and from the SQL query language, which has the expressive power of first-order logic. The parser evolved from a research project that Petrick (1965) designed for his PhD dissertation under Chomsky’s supervision. After joining IBM, Petrick collaborated with other researchers to develop TQA as an English front-end to a relational database. To evaluate TQA’s potential, IBM management wanted to test it on actual users. The nearby city of White Plains served as a test case. During the 1974 gasoline shortage, city officials had to search landuse records by hand to find the locations of all gas stations so that police could go there to direct traffic. Later, the records were stored on a computer, but somebody had to write a new program and print a new report for every question. Every follow-on question required another program. In 1978, the IBM researchers loaded the land-use files on a relational database at Yorktown, customized TQA to access the database, and connected it to a dedicated terminal in the city hall. For a full year, the White Plains officials and land-use planners could type English questions to TQA and get immediate answers. Of 788 questions typed during the year, TQA answered 65% correctly and failed to parse 35%. For most parsing failures, the users rephrased the sentence in a way that TQA could answer. Occasionally, they called the IBM developers for help. Overall, the users loved it. They were unhappy when the trial period ended, and IBM unplugged the terminal (Damerau 1981). Following are some questions that TQA answered correctly: What is the total area of the parcels in ward 6 block 72? How many two family houses are there in the Oak Ridge Residents Assn? Where are the apartment dwellings which have more than 50 units which are more than 6 stories high on Lake St? The TQA test showed that subject-matter experts, who had no training in programming or database software, could effectively use an English front-end to conventional software. It also showed the kind of syntax and semantics that was needed to customize a language processor for each application. The syntax of the phrase ward 6 block 72 is familiar to the SMEs, but it is rare in ordinary English. The TQA developers added grammar rules for many such phrases before the test period. During the test, they analyzed the questions that TQA failed to parse correctly and revised the grammar to accommodate them. The TQA users also learned to adjust their grammar to accommodate the parser. The test version of TQA also generated a rudimentary echo that showed how each question was parsed. Unfortunately, some echos used syntax that the parser failed to recognize when the users typed them back. Mueckstein (1983) later designed Q-TRANS to generate an echo that TQA could always parse. Following is a question processed by TQA: What parcels in the R5 zone on Stevens St. have greater than 5000 sq. ft.? TQA translated that question to the following SQL: SELECT UNIQUE A.JACCN, B.PARAREA FROM ZONEF A, PARCFL B WHERE A.JACCN = B.JACCN AND B.STN = 'STEVENS ST' AND B.PARAREA > 5000 AND A.ZONE = R5; Q-TRANS translated that SQL to the following echo: Find the account numbers and parcel areas for lots that have the street name STEVENS ST, a parcel area of greater than 5000 sq. ft., and zoning code R5. These examples show the kind of customization required by any processor that maps natural language queries to and from a computer system: first, an ontology of the entities, relations, and constraints in the subject matter; second, a lexicon that maps words and phrases to and from the ontology; third, specialized syntax for patterns that are rare in ordinary language; and finally, mappings of the ontology to computer formats and interfaces. To simplify the task, Damerau (1988) designed a tool to enable “database administrators to generate robust English interfaces to particular databases without help from linguistic experts.” IBM management, however, decided that it was too complex for most customers and the potential market was too small to be profitable. Therefore, they canceled the TQA project. TQA was one of many NLP systems that demonstrated usefulness for some applications, but were not commercially successful. Systems with lightweight semantics, such as Systran, have been more successful. Some of the most successful are search engines that index documents by the words they contain without using any explicit semantics. Google improved the search with statistical methods for deriving some implicit semantics from the patterns of cross references. In general, systems based on lightweight semantics depend on the readers to use their background knowledge to fill in the gaps, but no human army could process the huge volumes of data on the web. For some applications, statistical methods can filter out much of the irrelevant data, but even a thousand-to-one reduction in petabytes still leaves terabytes. NLP systems with heavyweight semantics are necessary to interpret the details. 3. Reasoning and Problem Solving Since the 1950s, research in AI explored a wide range of techniques from neural networks to formal logic. But the classical AI paradigm combines some knowledge representation language with some formal or informal methods of reasoning. Two classical system of radically different sizes illustrate the problems and the range of possible solutions: the very large Cyc system, which shows the power of a general-purpose, heavyweight semantics; and a simpler system designed for online sales, which shows the ease of use of middleweight semantics combined with semi-automated methods for knowledge acquisition. The expert systems of the 1980s showed that the level of expertise increased as more rules and facts were added. Some AI experts estimated that a human level of intelligence could be achieved with less than a million concepts encoded in some computable form. Lenat and Feigenbaum (1987) summarized the arguments: • Lenat estimated that encyclopedic coverage of the common knowledge of typical high-school graduates would require 30,000 articles with about 30 concepts per article. That justified the Cyc Project, whose name comes from the stressed syllable of encyclopedia. • The Japanese Electronic Dictionary Research Project (EDR) estimated that the knowledge of an educated speaker of several languages would require about 200K concepts represented in each language. • Marvin Minsky noted that less than 200,000 hours elapses between birth and age 21. If each person adds four new concepts per hour, the total would be less than a million. For the Cyc Project, they concluded that a knowledge base “of under a million frames” could be constructed in one decade with $50 million and less than two person-centuries of work. The original version of Cyc was an informal system of frames with heuristic procedures for processing them (Lenat & Guha 1990). But as the knowledge base grew, the dangers of contradictions, spurious inferences, and incompatibilities became critical. As a result, the frames had to be more highly structured, and the procedures became more systematic and tightly controlled. Eventually, the CycL language and its inference engines were rewritten as a superset of first-order logic with extensions to support defaults, modality, metalanguage, and higher-order logic. The most significant innovation was a context mechanism for partitioning the knowledge base into a basic core and an open-ended collection of independently developed microtheories (Guha 1991). After the first 25 years, Cyc grew far beyond its original goals: 100 million dollars had been invested in 10 person-centuries of work to define 600,000 concepts by 5 million axioms organized in 6,000 microtheories. Cyc can also access relational databases and the Semantic Web to supplement its own knowledge base. For some kinds of reasoning, Cyc is faster and more thorough than most humans. Yet Cyc is not as flexible as a child, and it can’t read, write, or speak as well as a child. It has not yet achieved the goals of the “sweeping three-stage research programme” outlined by Lenat and Feigenbaum in 1987: 1. “Slowly hand-code a large, broad knowledge base.” 2. “When enough knowledge is present, it will be faster to acquire more through reading, assimilating data bases, etc.” 3. “To go beyond the frontier of human knowledge, the system will have to rely on learning by discovery, carrying out research and development projects to expand its KB.” The first goal has been achieved. The second goal was far more difficult than expected. Cyc cannot yet read a textbook and map the knowledge to CycL, and it can only access external databases whose metadata or ontology has been mapped to CycL concepts. The third goal is still a dream. Even though Cyc did not achieve all the original goals, it remains the world’s largest body of knowledge represented in logic and suitable for detailed deduction. For any given problem, Cyc automatically selects the required axioms and an inference method that is suitable for that problem. The Cyc tools can also be used as a development platform for defining axioms that can drive other inference engines. As an example, Peterson et al. (1998) designed a knowledge compiler to translate a subset of axioms from CycL to more restricted logics that drive a deductive database: Horn-clause rules for the inference engine, and database constraints stated in SQL WHERE-clauses. For a sample problem, they extracted 5532 axioms (about 1% of the five million axioms in the Cyc knowledge base). Of those axioms, 84% could be translated directly to Horn-clause rules for performing inferences. The remaining 16%, which required full first-order logic, were translated to update constraints in SQL to ensure that the database is always consistent with the axioms. For the first dozen years, the Cyc Project focused on research, but the academic research was not easy to commercialize. Later, they gradually increased the time devoted to applications. As a result, Cyc earned more money from applications in the years 2008 to 2010 than in the previous 24 years. Some of the fastest growing applications are in medical informatics. At the Cleveland Clinic, about 1700 axioms from the general Cyc ontology are used to understand and respond to a typical query. The applications show considerable promise, but most application programmers find it difficult to adapt their software and databases to the Cyc knowledge base. Although Cyc is primarily a reasoning system, it also supports an English interface, which requires customization similar to TQA. In contrast with Cyc, which has been in continuous development for over 25 years, smaller AI systems can be implemented much faster. As an example, Tesco, a large UK retailer, sells a variety of goods, ranging from groceries to electronic equipment. For their online branch, Tesco.com, they wanted a flexible system that employees could update dynamically. One software vendor designed a system based on RDF and OWL, but Tesco employees could not modify it. Calling an OWL expert for every update would be too slow, and hiring one for every store would cost too much. They needed a simpler system that current employees could modify without lengthy and costly training. As an alternative, Gerard Ellis, an employee of the vendor, designed and implemented a prototype of a more flexible system in just a few weeks. Tesco liked it, and the complete system was delivered to them in a few months (Sarraf & Ellis 2006). Unlike the heavyweight semantics of Cyc, which requires professional knowledge engineers to update and modify, the Tesco system had middleweight semantics that could be updated by Tesco employees who had no training in AI, logic, or ontology. Automated tools could also check that the knowledge base is consistent and help Tesco employees correct any errors. The reason why Ellis could implement the new system so quickly is that he had spent a dozen years in developing a toolkit of AI software and related technologies (Ellis et al. 1994). To replace the system that used RDF+OWL, he put together the following components: • Conceptual graphs (CGs) as the internal knowledge representation with basic tools for storing, retrieving, and manipulating CGs. Communication with other components was based on the Conceptual Graph Interchange Format (CGIF). • A version of controlled English (CE) as the notation for subject-matter experts (SMEs) with tools to map CE to and from CGIF. • Ripple-down rules (RDR) as the technology for learning, reasoning, and maintaining the knowledge base with a mapping to and from CGIF. The SMEs were Tesco employees, who used controlled English to edit the rules, get an explanation of how a conclusion was derived, and correct any errors by typing the conclusion that should have been derived. This application was designed for selling groceries and later adapted for the electrical and wine departments. Ripple-down rules are derived from a decision tree that is compiled to a nest of if-then-else statements (Quinlan 1993; Compton et al. 2006). The raw data for deriving a decision tree is a set of cases, each of which is described by one or more conditions and one or more conclusions. Each link of the tree is labeled with one condition, and each leaf (end point) shows one or more conclusions implied by the conjunction of all the conditions leading to that leaf. To derive a complete and consistent tree, the algorithms detect possible conflicts, show the conflicting cases, and request additional information to resolve the conflicts. For major updates, the algorithms can derive a new tree from the raw data, but for minor editing, they can make local changes to the tree. For the Tesco application, SMEs describe the cases by CE statements, and the system generates the rules. Following are some rules derived for the grocery application: • If a television product description contains "28-inch screen", add a screen_size attribute_inches with a value of 28. • If a recipe ingredient contains butter, suggest "Gold Butter" as an ingredient to add to the basket. • If a customer buys 2 boxes of biscuits, the customer gets one free. • If the basket value is over £100, delivery is free. • If the customer is a family with children, suggest "Buy one family sized pizza and get one free". The RDR rule format has proved to be convenient for SMEs from a wide range of backgrounds, especially medical informatics. Compton et al. (2006) describe an application developed by pathologists who used RDR tools to derive a knowledge base of 16,000 rules from a set of 6 million cases. But RDR is just one of a large class of tools for case-based reasoning, which overlap methods of machine learning. Some of them, like RDR, draw sharp distinctions that can be expressed in a subset of logic. Others use statistics, clustering algorithms, neural networks, and fuzzy logic for learning and reasoning from cases without sharp boundaries. Still others use analogies, which can derive sharp or fuzzy distinctions under varying conditions. In summary, a large ontology such as Cyc does not, by itself, lead to successful commercial applications. A great deal of work on customization and knowledge acquisition is necessary to adapt Cyc to more conventional software. The Tesco.com application shows how systems with middleweight semantics can often simplify the task of knowledge acquisition. But the people who develop systems that SMEs find easy to use require advanced education and a toolkit of sophisticated software. With appropriate tools and methodologies, a convenient front-end could make any system easier to use. A challenging research goal is to develop an integrated knowledge acquisition system that could support both AI and conventional software.

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